1: Awareness of the Disease

To be able to successfully prevent any disease, you should first know what are the causes of the condition and what preventive measures can be taken. So, make sure you read about Diabetes or ask your doctors about it.

2: Physical Activity

Physical activity, in the form of walking, jogging, aerobics or any other forms of exercise, when done on a daily basis, can prove beneficial for your health in more ways than one. It helps in weight management, helps in improving heart activity, helps in lowering blood sugar levels and also increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin. Hence it is recommended to have some sort of physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day.

3: Lose weight

Obesity is known to be a risk factor for most chronic diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. Being overweight can lead to decreased control over the blood sugars. Shedding weight, even if it is 3-5 kgs, can reduce the risk of developing diabetes significantly.

4: Visit the Doctor Regularly

Regular health checkups help in early detection of Diabetes and pre-diabetes. Those who are detected to have pre-diabetes can prevent onset of Diabetes by exercise and diet plans. Hence it is advised to undergo regular checkups for early detection of Diabetes as the symptoms might not be prominent till late after onset of the disease.

5: Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is considered to be the most essential meal of the day. Having a healthy breakfast keeps you active the entire day. It also prevents you from eating high calorie snacks in between and controls your appetite. Hence, there is no extra calories consumed which helps in maintaining a healthy diet and thus helps in weight management.

6: Higher Quality, Lower Quantity

Increased quantity of any kind of food just leads to increased calorie consumption. It also leads to increased sugar levels. Drinking a glass of water before a meal fills you up faster and you tend to consume less food. Reduce the quantity of the servings of food. Try to replace high carbohydrate and high fat food with salads and fruits which are much healthier.

7: Reduce Meat, Increase Vegetables

This will be a disappointment to all meat lovers. Though meat is rich in protein, it’s also rich in fat. Eating meat every day has been known to increase your chances of developing Diabetes. Vegetables are a much healthier option. They are rich in nutrients and fiber. They are also easier to digest.

8: Say NO to Fatty Food

Fast food, Street food and junk food are the major culprits. Like the saying goes, ‘a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’. They have a high saturated fat content which not only ends up getting stored in your body, they also increase the cholesterol levels and lead to heart problems and clogged arteries. This also leads to increased blood sugar levels. So, say a big NO to these foods.

9: Avoid Polished Grains and Start a Whole Grain Diet

In comparison to refined grains or polished rice and cereals, whole grain has more fiber. This tends to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and hence helps in the control of blood sugars. It also helps by making you feel full soon and hence restricts the quantity you eat.

10: Say YES to Fiber

Food rich in fiber, like raw vegetables, green leafy vegetables, oatmeal and whole grain helps in regularizing your bowel movements and also slows down the carbohydrate absorption, which in turn leads to better control of blood sugar levels. Due to this, it helps in prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. It is advised to consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber every day.

11: Soy, Healthy and Tasty

Soy is rick in isoflavones, which helps in reduction of sugar content in the blood. It is also rich in proteins and has lesser calories. Due to all these features, it helps in the prevention of Diabetes. So, add this high protein food into your diet today.

12: Snacking Right

Every now and then, those hunger pangs get loud and your stomach starts growling indicating that it is time for a snack. Be sure you pick the right snack. Dig into a bowl of salad instead of a burger. Make sure your salad has no extra additions which could contain fat. Make the switch and feel the change within a few days.

13: Spice up your Life with Cinnamon

Most spices have been proven to have health benefits. Topping the list is cinnamon, with its multiple qualities. It activates certain enzymes which in turn stimulates the insulin receptors. Hence, insulin sensitivity is increased. It’s also been known to bring down cholesterol levels and this helps in weight management.

14: Not just Air in Aerated Drinks

Sodas, carbonated drinks and packaged fruit juices have a high content of sugar added and this can spike your blood sugar levels. So, the next time you feel dehydrated, you know what to drink. Water or milk is the best choice to quench your thirst.

15: Water- The Best Quencher of Thirst

Water, a tasteless, colorless and odorless liquid is the only drink that can actually manage to quench anyone who is really thirsty. The best part, it has zero calories and zero sugar!  Drink lots of water. It also helps in the proper functioning of all the cells in the body.

16: Green Tea – a Health Blast

Green tea is full of antioxidants, which destroys free radicals. This helps in stoppage of early aging of the cells. The antioxidants also play a role in controlling blood sugar levels and hence fights diabetes.

17: Smoking – Burning Your Life

Smoking has been proven to be the main risk factor for several illnesses. It has been linked to the development of various cancers. It effects the hormone levels in the body which in turn can lead to Diabetes. So, stop smoking and say goodbye to most diseases.

18: Sun – The Creator of Life

Vitamin D is produced in the body when there is exposure to sunlight. Studies have shown that Vitamin D helps to improve insulin sensitivity. This in turn helps in better management of blood sugar levels and so helps in prevention of Diabetes.

19: Don’t Stress Out

Stress, a major presence in the busy and competitive life today, can be a risk factor for several health conditions. It can also play havoc with your blood sugar levels. So, fight stress with various methods like meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises) and yoga.

20: Sleep- The Dream Medicine

Adequate sleep is known to help the body repair damage faster. Sleeping less than 6 hours a day can lead to several problems. It can increase your appetite, which leads to eating excessively or binge eating. It can Increase cortisol production which can increase insulin levels in the body. This leads to imbalance in the blood sugar levels.